FreshWay a healthy option for seafood
If your 2019 resolution to eat healthy has already gone by the wayside, visit the Concord farmers market to get back on track.
The farmers market is the perfect place to find healthy spring vegetables and fruits, grass-fed beef, fresh seafood, local honey and whole-grain breads. FreshWay Fish brings a variety of heart-healthy seafood, from scallops and shrimp to salmon and halibut, to the Tuesday market in Concord.
Established in 2012, the family-owned and operated seafood company started by selling at local farmers markets and took off from there. The Roseville company now sells at more than 50 farmers markets throughout Northern California and Nevada. In addition, they offer a special order service if you don’t see what you want at the market.
FreshWay products include fresh fish fillets, smoked fish and other seafood commodities. They smoke their own fish and prepare all ready-to-eat products from their own recipes. You won’t be disappointed with their quality and service at the market. In fact, many customers come back each week to stock up. The smoked salmon is a customer favorite.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture finds that 37 percent of seafood found at supermarkets is mislabeled. However, seafood purveyors at farmers markets must be inspected and licensed so you can be assured you’re buying what you were promised.
Fish is the No. 1 source for omega-3 fatty acids, which are excellent for heart health. Fatty fish like salmon, trout, sardines, tuna and mackerel are higher in fat-based nutrients. They also contain high concentrations of Vitamin D, a nutrient most of us lack.
Pick up some of FreshWay’s products and enjoy the health benefits and fresh flavors.
Tilapia Baked in Sea Salt
1 whole tilapia, 1½ -2 lbs.
1 sliced lemon or a mix of lemon and other citrus fruits
5 sprigs parsley
2 lbs. sea salt
1 egg white
Olive oil
Preheat oven to 450.
Rinse out the fish cavity and face and blot dry on paper towels. Mix sea salt and egg white so that the salt is the consistency of wet sand. Sparingly stuff the cavity with parsley and citrus slices; overstuffing will result in significantly longer cooking time.
Spread a third of the salt mixture on the bottom of the baking sheet. Place the stuffed fish on top and spoon the rest of the salt mixture over the fish, patting and shaping the salt as you go, until the fish is ensconced.
Bake 20 minutes, then rest 10 minutes. Crack open the crust with a heavy knife, pounding with the side so as to not damage the fish. Remove and discard crust.
Slice the skin along the top fin and gently peel away the skin. Filet the fish, garnish with lemon slices and finish with olive oil and salt.
Recipe: Cookin’ the Market, PCFMA
The Concord Farmers Market is in Todos Santos Plaza Tuesdays & Thursdays. For hours go to

Debra Morris
Debra Morris was born and raised in Pasadena, CA. Her father was a landscape designer so she grew up helping him in the garden and learned to love planting and caring for vegetables and flowers. Debra began her own graphics business in 2002. She now works for the Pacific Coast Farmers’ Market Association and became a Master Gardener in the process, combining her interests into one.