Filing deadline closes for Nov. election in Contra Costa County

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (August 20, 2024) — The filing deadline for candidates running in the November election has officially closed for all offices except the Clayton City Council.
Prospective candidates running in Concord and Pleasant Hill and for California Assembly and Senate offices had until the end of the day Aug. 9 to submit their paperwork, and no further applications will be accepted. This marks the final list of candidates who will appear on the ballot for those cities.
However, in Clayton, the situation is slightly different. Incumbent City Councilmember Peter Cloven chose not to seek re-election, which has triggered an extension of the filing period. According to election rules, when an incumbent does not file for re-election, the candidate filing period is automatically extended. As a result, the deadline for Clayton city council candidates has been pushed to August 14 which was after our deadline for the August issue. This extension provides additional time for potential candidates to consider running for a seat on the council.
As of press time, only four candidates had declared their intent to run for the available positions in Clayton.