Drought endangers Clayton trees

While the city is actually in the process of “winterizing” Clayton by cleaning our storm drains and gutters in advance of the meteorologist guaranteed 100 percent-certain El Nino, there is a real concern about drought damaged trees falling. This is not just in Clayton, as there have been several deaths attributed to drought stricken trees falling on people in other parts of the state. We did have an oak fall recently at the Lydia Lane Park and it just reinforced that we all need to be very careful with our safety. So, if you see a dangerous condition, please let us know so we can keep our city safe.

In that vein, I want to remind people that we can’t fix it if we do not know it is broken. If you see graffiti, vandalism, broken sprinklers or safety issues while out enjoying our award-winning trails or just hanging out in town, please let us know. Go to our website at www.ci.clayton.ca.us and click the feedback button and let us know.

Clayton Kudos: On the good deed front, congratulations again to the Clayton Community Church for its annual Labor Day Derby and Car Show. Another tremendous success bringing fun to our families and this year they were able to get enough donations from those in attendance to provide 200 school backpacks and supplies to kids in Syria. Bravo.

And the Relay for Life event at Mt. Diablo Elementary in August was a tremendous success, raising more than $88,000 to fight cancer. With some amazing testimonials and survival stories, lots of first-time camping in town, music, fun and lots of walking, it was another showcase of what makes this city great. Congrats.

Atta Boys: Our maintenance department has thought outside the box and worked with the Contra Costa Water District to place water from their reservoir onto the grass at our North Valley Park. The district has to keep their water “fresh” and so they have to drain and refill, and this used to just go down the drain. Now, it is going on our park to try and keep it somewhat green. Way to think outside the box guys.

Bocce Biz: The Fall Bocce League season is coming down the home stretch and another shout out to the Clayton Business and Community Association and Skipolini’s Pizza for building and maintaining these courts and running these leagues that bring more than 100 people downtown each night. As the season winds down, teams are trying to stay within striking distance of the playoffs.
Trash Talk: Reminder, keep recycling more and dumping less trash. Use less plastic bags.

In honor of Relay for Life and the fight against cancer: “Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you” (Maori Proverb) and “I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind, Some come from ahead and some come from behind, But I’ve bought a big bat, I’m all ready you see, Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!” (Dr. Seuss).

Send questions and comments for the mayor by email to  shuey@rankinlaw.com.
