Diablo View teacher among county’s finest

Shay Kornfield, a teacher at Diablo View Middle School in Clayton, is a finalist for the Contra Costa County Teacher of the Year.
Kornfield, a science instructor and robotics club advisor, represents the Mount Diablo Unified School District in the competition.
He says he was lucky to grow up in a loving household with educated parents and grandparents who fostered his sense of curiosity and adventure. Then, teacher Glen Barker (a 2018 Teacher of the Year) made school “feel like summer camp” for Kornfield.
“Without these amazing people, perhaps I would not have chosen the career path I have,” he said. “But choose it I did, and what an amazing ride thus far.”
The other finalists are Gina Capelli, Liberty High School in Brentwood; Maureen Mattson, Pittsburg High School; and DarVisa R. Marshall, Antioch Middle School. On Sept. 26, the county Office of Education will select two finalists to represent the county in the state competition.