Contra Costa voters can get answers on Measure X before casting ballots

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY—November ballots will arrive at homes across Contra Costa County this week. On October 11, county voters will have the opportunity to learn more about Measure X.  County Supervisor John Gioia will moderate a virtual forum so that voters can et answers to their questions from panelists on the subject.

The measure asks for a general 0.5% sales tax to generate revenue that will help fund essential services in the county. Services include expanding fire protection, keeping the hospital open and providing affordable early childhood programming. Proponents of Measure X say it will generate an estimated $81 million annually to fund services essential to Contra Costa County’s needs.

Those opposed to the measure say the tax increase will hurt those already in financial trouble from the pandemic. They say the increase will disproportionately burden the poorest and most vulnerable residents, who can least afford it.

Who: John Gioia will moderate the online forum. Panelists for the event represent county firefighters, County Hospital social service workers, and leaders in local business and safety net services. Learn more about the panelists at:

What: The panelists will discuss and answer questions from virtual attendees about about Measure X.

When: Sunday, October 11 from 2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

Spanish interpretation will be available.

To obtain webinar details, please RSVP at
