Contra Costa to Lift Masking Requirements in Some Indoor Settings on Nov. 1

Contra Costa to Lift Masking Requirements in Some Indoor Settings on Nov. 1
Photo by Alin Luna on

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Oct. 14, 2021) — COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations have declined in Contra Costa County this fall. Because of this, the county will lift masking requirements in certain indoor settings on Nov. 1. You will need to show proof of vaccination, however.

Eligible settings include controlled spaces not open to the general public, such as:

  • Offices
  • Gyms and fitness centers
  • Employee commuter vehicles
  • Indoor college classes
  • Organized gatherings in any other indoor setting, such as a religious gathering

Eligible participating businesses, organizations and hosts must verify full vaccination for all patrons, employees and attendees before allowing people inside their facilities not to wear face coverings.

There can be no more than 100 persons present at these facilities, and the group of those present must gather on a regular basis. Those present should also not have COVID-19 symptoms.

“This will allow vaccinated people to feel safe removing their masks at the office and when they’re working out at the gym,” said Dr. Chris Farnitano, health officer for Contra Costa County. “Of course, people in these places can keep wearing masks if that makes them feel more comfortable.”

Indoor-masking requirements would remain in effect for the time-being in public settings, such as bars, restaurants and retail stores until other targets are met. Indoor K-12 school settings will still require masking.
