Contra Costa launches nation’s most ambitious, countywide campaign to elevate trust in elections

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (June 28, 2024) — In light of a growing tide of election misinformation, the Contra Costa County Clerk-Recorder-Elections Department is taking a stand. The Elections Division is launching a far-reaching marketing and community engagement campaign this week to reassure voters of election integrity and security by shining a light on the comprehensive steps taken to deliver on that promise.
“Elections are more secure than ever and we’re proud of Contra Costa County’s reputation for fair and secure elections. We have to make sure our voters know about the work we’re doing and have the information that inspires faith in our elections,” says Kristin B. Connelly, Contra Costa Registrar of Voters.
A multi-faceted marketing campaign is in place to deliver that message. In addition to county-wide advertising in print, television, radio and digital media, the campaign also includes the recruitment and training of nearly 100 election ambassadors who have volunteered to carry forward the election integrity message through social media channels and speaking engagements around the county. A companion website,, has also been launched, which includes a comprehensive collection of videos, fact sheets, Q&As and social media graphics illustrating how Contra Costa County protects its elections. All this is complemented by opportunities for the public to observe election activities and the county’s award-winning Certified Election Observer program.
“While trust in Contra Costa County elections is high, we’re facing a growing tide of mis- and disinformation that confuses voters and undermines the legitimacy of our elections,” says Dawn Kruger, the Election Division’s Community and Media Relations Coordinator. “This voter education campaign fights those myths with solid facts and information, equipping volunteers in our community with a host of tools to help put the real story out there about how safe elections are.”
Contra Costa County was one of 10 election divisions nationwide to be awarded a grant to improve its election processes and chose to pilot this voter education work. The ambitious and robust campaign is expected to reach every resident of the county multiple times and in different ways, hammering home the many steps and precautions in place to ensure only eligible voters vote, that every legitimate vote is counted, and that the county’s election system is secure from fraud. The campaign is predicated on transparency, inviting the public to look more closely at how elections are handled and the exhaustive efforts to protect them.
The first wave of election integrity advertising will run June – July and a second wave will run September – October. These advertisements will coincide with the ambassador’s social media efforts and speaking engagements. Any organization interested in scheduling an ambassador speaking engagement can email For more information about the campaign and election security, visit