Concord will host annual Emergency Preparedness Fair Sept. 5

Concord, CA (Aug. 13, 2024) – Are you prepared for an earthquake or other natural disaster?
The City of Concord will host an Emergency Preparedness Fair on Thursday, Sept. 5 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., at Todos Santos Plaza. Stop by to pick up useful information and free giveaways from local emergency service organizations.
The fair will take place in conjunction with Concord’s Music and Market concert series. The farmers’ market begins at 4 p.m., and Tom Petty Tribute Band, The Big Jangle, will perform between 6:30 and 8 p.m.
The fair will feature representatives from the Concord Police Department, Contra Costa Fire & HAZMAT, Contra Costa CWS (Community Warning System), Contra Costa County Aging and Adult Services, Contra Costa County Animal Services, American Red Cross, Bill’s Ace Hardware, Dangers of Vaping Booth, Independent Living Resources, Mobility Matters, VistAbility, Contra Costa Mosquito & Vector Control, and East Bay CPR.