Concord Utility Box Art Project Submission Deadline Extended

CONCORD, CA (Apr. 29, 2022) — Due to anticipated months of delay in delivery of the new traffic control boxes to the City of Concord, Concord Art Association has decided to extend the deadline for design submissions for Phase III of the Concord Utility Box Art Project.
While they determine the new date, artists will have more time to create their designs. Organizers expect to announce the new deadline soon, most likely in late May or early June.
In addition, city staff will work with CAA to determine which boxes they will installed first so that they can provide interested artists with specific box locations. They would like to see designs that reference the surrounding neighborhoods, but artists will need to know the box locations to do that. CAA will update the Call for Artists with a list of box locations as soon as possible.
The artist group says that global supply chain issues are impacting many projects including this one.
If you have already submitted your design, you will have an opportunity to revise it if you choose.
If you would like to know more about this project go to: https://www.
Questions? Concordartassociation@yahoo.
Read previous Pioneer stories on the Concord Utility Box Art project.