Concord Fry’s Electronics closes as company calls it quits nationwide

CONCORD, CA, Feb. 24, 2021 — Fry’s Electronics in Concord will soon close its doors for good. Late Tuesday night, news broke that the long running electronics chain would shut down all its stores.
Located in Concord’s Park and Shop, the once thriving store cited changes to the retail industry and COVID-19 challenges as reasons behind the decision to close.
The children of Charles Fry opened the first store in Sunnyvale, CA, in 1985 after their father sold his successful supermarket chain. Charles gave his children a portion of the profits, which they used on the electronics business. Over the years, they expanded the chain across 9 states. Electronics and computer hobbyists loved to explore the endless shelves in the enormous stores.
Difficult decision
Wednesday morning the company posted this letter on its website:
“After nearly 36 years in business as the one-stop-shop and online resource for high-tech professionals across nine states and 31 stores, Fry’s Electronics, Inc. has made the difficult decision to shut down its operations and close its business permanently as a result of changes in the retail industry and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Company will implement the shut down through an orderly wind down process that it believes will be in the best interests of the Company, its creditors, and other stakeholders.
The Company ceased regular operations and began the wind-down process on February 24, 2021. It is hoped that undertaking the wind-down through this orderly process will reduce costs, avoid additional liabilities, minimize the impact on our customers, vendors, landlords and associates, and maximize the value of the Company’s assets for its creditors and other stakeholders.
The Company is in the process of reaching out to its customers with repairs and consignment vendors to help them understand what this will mean for them and the proposed next steps.
If you have questions, please contact us using the following email addresses:
Customers who have equipment currently being repaired, please email, to arrange for return of your equipment.
- For customers with items needing repair under a Performance Service Contract, please call (800) 811-1745.
- Consignment vendors needing to pick up their consignment inventory at Fry’s locations, please email
Please understand if we are a bit slow to respond given the large volume of questions. The Company appreciates your patience and support through this process.
Sincerely, Fry’s Electronics”