City inks new 2014-15 budget

Stratford Hank websiteThe Clayton City Council recently adopted a budget for the 2014-2015 fiscal year. After a number of years of decline we are starting to see our revenue increasing. We are cautiously optimistic that 2014-2015 will result in a slight surplus of revenue over expenditures.

Our new Finance Manager, Kevin Mizuno, worked hard putting together his first budget for our city. Kevin spent some long hours and did a lot of pencil sharpening as he looked at each account. We are grateful for his expertise and diligent work.

The make-up of our police department is evolving and Chief Chris Thorsen has had his hands full managing the changes. With the return of one of our officers and the most recent new hire we are now completely staffed. Three of our new officers are still training and will begin covering shifts on their own in the next few months.

The Do the Right Thing focus is Courage. I sometimes associate courage with being fearless. But I don’t think that is correct. Nelson Mandela said, “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.”

Fear can be debilitating. I hope that we can recognize the fears that keep us from doing what is right and necessary for a good life and have the courage to conquer those fears.

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