Bay Area Air Quality Management Board Looking for Volunteers

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (July 13, 2023) — The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD), a regional government agency, works to achieve cleaner air to protect the public’s health and the environment. BAAQMD accomplishes this goal through the regulation of industrial facilities and various outreach and incentive programs designed to encourage clean air choices.
The quasi-judicial Hearing Board rules on particular cases that affect only individual facilities. It also hears requests for variance relief, permit revocation, abatement orders, and appeals by permit applicants, or by interested third parties, concerning the issuance or denial of permits.
The Hearing Board is established by state law. It consists of five members and their alternates – an attorney, a professional engineer, a member from the medical profession, and two members of the public.
BAAQMD currently seeks five (5) Hearing Board seats. For more information and to apply, please click here.