Alluring beauty’ of orchids keep lovers wanting more

CONCORD, CA (Jan. 21, 2023) — Bloom of an orchid may come only once a year. But rest assured in a year’s time, it will flower yet again.
Such is one appeal for one of the largest flowering families in the world.
That and patience and reading on cultures of the various genus, said Pleasant Hill resident Dennis Olivas, a local orchid expert, makes orchids manageable even for someone without a green thumb.
“It’s the alluring beauty of each individual flower that mesmerizes one to want more,” Olivas said. He has been around orchids for more than 60 years and operates D&D Flowers in DaIy City by appointment only. Post COVID, Olivas also has opened his greenhouse operation for spring and fall open-house sales.
Found on every continent except Antarctica and the far northern region surrounding the Arctic circle, it comes in all shapes, sizes and colors.
Orchid show
For enthusiasts or those who simply appreciate seeing them, the Diablo View Orchid Society (DVOS) again is hosting its annual show and sale at the Faith Lutheran Church, 4000 Concord Blvd. The February 11 event will be open to the public from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. for viewing and purchasing of a wide variety of orchids.
Admission is $5 for adults and under 12 years old is free. A discount card for admission is available to print out through
Ahead of the doors opening, members’ blooming plants representing novice, intermediate, and advanced levels will be judged in a variety of classes, and ribbons and rosettes will be awarded in each class.
Olivas will be among five vendors selling orchids. One also is selling California native plants. Speakers will talk on orchid culture and how to rebloom orchids too. Another table with members selling their plants with 20% going toward the society also will greet visitors, said Show Chair Eileen Jackson.
Jackson encourages the “Trader Joe” orchid buyers to come to the show for the unusual variety that can’t be found in the stores.
She first caught the bug 20 years ago when she attended a DVOS meeting at the original Pleasant Hill Community Center. And, she hasn’t been without one since.
“I am never without orchids in my house – never,” said Jackson who cited their fragrance, something she added a lot of people don’t know about them.
Advice for newbies
Olivas, a member of DVOS for approximately 30 years, has this sage advice for orchid newbies. Start with a few of the easier orchids to grow and rebloom like Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, and some Oncidium hybrids. Also, avoid over watering, another common pitfall.
“Once you have mastered how to grow and rebloom these, then venture out to the more difficult ones,” said Olivas who also encouraged joining an orchid society and asking as many questions as possible of more advanced growers.
For more information on membership and events, go to