Contra Costa County ballot boxes installed

Contra Costa County secure ballot boxes installed

Contra Costa County ballot boxes installed
New ballot box installation complete. (Photo by David Scholz)

CONTR COSTA COUNTY—Ahead of vote-by-mail ballots arriving to voters in early October, Adam Lawrence, of Isleton, and Clint Joaquin, Oakley, members of the Contra Costa County Public Works crew, installed the last of the county Elections Division’s new secure ballot drop boxes on a stand outside Pleasant Hill City Hall on Wednesday, September 23. All total there are 37 outdoor receptacles, located from one end of the county to the other, that are available 24/7 to receive ballots in their sealed and signed envelopes until 8 p.m. on November 3.

Visit the Contra Costa County Elections website for a complete list of ballot box locations, polling places and general voting information.

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