Farias eager to tackle housing, climate change in Assembly
CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Mar. 5, 2025) — As I begin my first year in the California Assembly, I want to say how humbled and grateful I am that the people from the community where I grew up and am raising my children in placed their faith and trust in me in last November’s election.
It may be a little old-fashioned, but I still see public service as a noble calling to positively impact the direction of our state. California’s leaders need to lift up working families struggling to reach their share of the American Dream, assist small businesses who are in danger of closing under the weight of overregulation and improve the business climate that is stifling our world-renowned innovation economy.
Putting us on a better path includes working on:
Housing. I ran for the Assembly to help move California in a direction that remedies these issues. I’ve spent my career on housing concerns, including serving on the California Housing Finance Authority, so I was pleased to be appointed to the Assembly Housing Committee. I will spend my energy in this post on housing affordability and supply, which given a decade of limited construction on housing following the 2007-’08 financial crisis, has been a tremendous drag on workforce housing. I’m also on the Aging and Veterans committees, where I will address the long-term housing needs for both populations.
Cost of Living. Getting our housing market back to an affordable level is hugely important for families and businesses who have felt squeezed. This is the most impactful area for state government’s ability to address costs, though I will press for greater transparency and accountability for utility costs that are the bane of both families and businesses alike.
Water policies. Closer to home, my new seat on the Assembly Water, Parks & Wildlife Committee allows me to loudly advocate for our Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta interests. The Delta is vital for the economic and environmental strength of Contra Costa County residents. I will stand up to anyone who tries to steal water from it, no matter how powerful they are or which political party they represent.
Climate disasters. Our state is in the midst of an insurance crisis thanks to climate change and the devastating disasters it’s unleashing. As a member of the Assembly Insurance Committee, I am working with other leaders around the state to fashion new policies that will protect consumers while keeping insurers solvent. There will be tough choices, but we cannot allow this crisis to cause a collapse of the marketplace.
I will continue to report to you on these important issues and others. And, I’d like to invite you to attend my district swearing-in 3-5 p.m. March 6 at Martinez City Hall.
If you need assistance or have difficulty accessing state services, please contact my capitol office at 916-319-2015 or my district office at 925-521-1511.
Read more “From the Desk…” columns from the Pioneer.

Anamarie Ávila Farías
Anamarie Ávila Farías proudly represents California’s 15th Assembly District, which includes parts of Contra Costa County and the East Bay. A lifelong public servant and advocate for working families, Ávila Farías brings decades of experience in affordable housing, economic development, and educational equity to her role in the State Assembly.