Report Illegal Fireworks on Contra Costa County’s Hotline

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (June 29, 2022) — Contra Costa County Fire Protection District has announced the availability of a toll-free hotline for use by residents to immediately reach their local law enforcement non-emergency phone lines to report illegal fireworks use in their areas. The illegal fireworks reporting phone number is 1-833-885-2021.
The line features a voice menu that allows residents to quickly reach the correct law enforcement number for their location by entering the first three letters of their city’s name. It also allows the selection of “unincorporated area” as their location, connecting the caller to the Contra Costa County Sheriff’s Office.
Use of fireworks of any type is illegal in Contra Costa County and exceedingly dangerous during current drought conditions. Con Fire urges anyone observing fireworks being used to report this to their local law enforcement non-emergency line by calling 1-833-885-2021.
Con Fire’s Fire Investigation Unit also asks residents to help them fight the dangerous use of illegal fireworks by reporting fireworks sales across the county to the Arson Tip Line at 1-866-50-ARSON. They caution residents not to hesitate on information that seems too little or unimportant to matter, adding some of the most valuable tips come from residents who were not aware what they saw was very important to the investigation of an incident.
At 1-866-50-ARSON, residents can leave a recorded message about fireworks sales, or any fire-related criminal activity in English or Spanish. Tips can be anonymous, but all tips are treated confidentially. Fire investigators sometimes need additional information, so inclusion of name and phone number is encouraged.