3 ways to get more out of East Bay biking this summer
Summer is here, school is out and it’s time to go for a ride.
Here are some biking opportunities and events for you and your family.
Iron Horse Trail active transportation
If you live and work along the I-680 corridor and are impacted by its traffic, pollution, noise and delays (and looking for a way to wedge in some exercise), there is hope.
The county Department of Conservation and Development has engaged consultants at Alta Design to review ways to enhance the Iron Horse Trail to enlarge its capacity to an active transportation corridor that will support walking and bicycling.
The study asks for public input to identify barriers to access along its entire length, from I-680 at Rudgear Road to Concord Avenue. These barriers could include busy intersections, broken glass/detritus on the trail or a lack of low-stress access points to the trail.
Please go to ihtactive.com to access the public input map. Be on the lookout for public workshops, tentatively scheduled for the last two weeks of July, where you can speak to designers and staff directly on your experiences using the trail, or what prevents you from using the trail. Your feedback is needed. Current workshops include:
- July 27th – San Ramon Public Workshop – 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the San Ramon Community Center. We will be set up on the Iron Horse Trail and in the Community Center.
- July 28th – Walnut Creek Public Workshop – 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the junction of the Iron Horse Trail and the Contra Costa Canal Trail. This will be an outdoor only workshop.
Pedalfest in Oakland
Get ready to celebrate all things bicycle at Pedalfest, an annual celebration at Jack London Square in Oakland 11 a.m.-5 p.m. on Aug. 3.
Sponsored by Bike East Bay, this free festival features vendors, performers, food, stunts, and music (from a pedal-powered stage) as well as information about getting improved bicycle facilities throughout the East Bay. Don’t miss the always-entertaining amphibious bicycle races as they launch from the boat ramps into the Oakland Estuary.
The first thousand people to RSVP get a free ice cream cone from Ben & Jerry’s at Jack London Square. For more information and to register, visit pedalfestjacklondon.com.
Brew Fest benefit
Come down to the Walnut Creek Sports Basement 4-8 p.m. Aug. 9 to try locally brewed beers.
Donations benefit Bike Concord, Bike Walnut Creek and the community’s newest addition, Bike Pleasant Hill. These organizations work to make their communities safe and convenient for active transportation.
Recently, Bike Concord launched an after-school program at Olympic High School to teach students how to repair and maintain bicycles, led by a professional bicycle mechanic. Now that the school year is over, Bike Concord is continuing its partnership with Olympic High through a fellows program that employs youth to work at the regular Bike Tent pop-up at the Thursday night farmers markets in Todos Santos Plaza. This program offers free bike repair and education to the community at large.
Roberts is a volunteer with Bike Concord.