Readers Forum: Neighbors oppose high-density development

There are significant issues with the proposed Silver Oaks Estates development project adjacent to the Lydia Lane Park and Mt. Diablo Creek.  Many Clayton residents are participating in the review, and the primary conclusion of the review to date is that there are many significant issues with the documentation presented.  In a nutshell, the developer has proposed building a very high-density development surrounded by medium to low density housing, most of which has been in place more than 30 years.  The proposed development is totally out of character with the surrounding neighborhood and there are significant environmental impacts that do not appear to be adequately addressed and mitigated as proposed by the IS/MND (Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration).
Some of the significant issues inadequately or improperly addressed include the traffic study, 3 story (!) townhouses, aesthetics, character of the neighborhood, the trail system that passes along the property, traffic over an 80 year old bridge passing through the Lydia Lane Park parking lot (close to children’s play structures), noise and air pollution, ground stability/geology issues, creek hydrology, and endangered species.
The IS/MND is available for review on the City of Clayton website at  Public comments will be accepted only until November 20.  There are other small “infill” areas in Clayton, in which similar developments may be proposed and we must ensure that they are also developed responsibly.  We need to act to help maintain the character of this special place we call home. Read the document. Submit your comments. Now.

– Dennis Romano
Meredith Yalenty
