Pleasant Hill marks 60 years with Light up the Lake

PLEASANT HILL, CA (Nov. 12, 2021) — This month not only includes Thanksgiving, but also the 60th birthday of Pleasant Hill as well as United Against Hate Week Nov. 14-Nov 20.
The city’s 60th anniversary is Nov. 14. We share this celebration year with the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District, which celebrated its 70th anniversary this year.
Pleasant Hill was originally an agricultural area but started growing in the 1920s, including development of Monument Boulevard. Following World War II, expansion accelerated. We established our first post office in 1948.
In 1961, residents voted to incorporate, and the city of Pleasant Hill was born.
Light Up the Lake
Normally at this time of the year, we are preparing for Light Up the Night. But with the pandemic, it will not take place again this year.
However, to celebrate our 60th, we will have a special Light Up the Lake on Nov. 14 at City Hall. Starting at 4:30 p.m., the community will be treated to performances by the Studio A dancers, the College Park High School Concert Choir and our librarian Patrick Remer. At 5:30 p.m., following a proclamation, I will launch the first floating luminary – with many others to follow.
There will be 600 luminaries, which will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. Come down and enjoy. It will be beautiful.
Other events surrounding the birthday celebration are a citywide scavenger hunt and a previously held photography contest. The winning entries will be available for view that evening.
Make a full evening of it and enjoy our many eateries downtown afterward.
Please visit the city’s website at to see all the details.
Tackling hate
United Against Hate is a relatively recent movement but an important one. In today’s society, disagreements, fear and lack of understanding have too many times dissolved into hate. Our city resolved in 2017 to be an inclusive and welcoming city, and we continue to work toward that goal.
We all enjoy the small-town feel of Pleasant Hill, and being United Against Hate will ensure that feeling continues. Keep an eye out for our United Against Hate video and other initiatives from our newly formed Diversity Commission.
Giving thanks
Last but not least, there’s Thanksgiving. As we continue our emergence from this pandemic, let’s give thanks to all who have so tirelessly worked to get us through this. Our health-care workers, first responders, teachers and other essential workers deserve our gratitude for years to come.
But let’s also give thanks to our friends and family who were there to support us whether in person or by Zoom.
I wish everyone the best this holiday season. Please stay safe and healthy.
Contact Mayor Noack at