Concord’s first woman mayor, champion of open space

Letter to the Editor: Glad to see Bulman recognized for Concord contributions

I was so pleased to see Carol Longshore‘s column about June Bulman (“Concord’s first woman mayor, champion of open spaceMarch 2021 Pioneer).

I first met June after I joined the League of Women Voters in 1981, and she was already on the Council at that time. This column gave me some great background info on how she got there.

I still see Lynnet Kiehl occasionally and am really glad to see them both recognized for their contributions to Concord.

Leslie Stewart, Concord

The Concord Clayton Pioneer welcomes letters from our readers. Letters concerning current issues will have priority. We may edit letters for length and clarity. All letters will be published at the editor’s discretion. We will not print anonymous letters. Submit letters here.
