Keeping students safe while walking and biking

CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, CA (Sept. 4, 2024) — Millions of California students are walking and biking to school, marking the return of busy streets and bustling school zones.
With this increase in activity comes the responsibility for everyone – parents, students and drivers – to prioritize safety on our roads. Here are some reminders from the California Office of Traffic Safety and Caltrans:
For bicyclists
Wear a helmet. California law requires all cyclists under 18 to wear a helmet. Helmets should fit snugly and be fastened securely.
Practice bike maintenance. Before heading out, do the ABC: Check the air, brakes and chains. A quick inspection can prevent crashes caused by faulty equipment.
Be visible. Wear bright clothing and use reflective gear and lights if riding in low light.
Follow traffic laws. Bicycles are considered vehicles on the road, so it’s important to obey all traffic signals and signs. Ride in the same direction as traffic and always use hand signals when turning.
Stick to safe routes. Plan your route to school and choose streets with bike lanes and less traffic. Children should avoid shortcuts through parking lots or alleys, which can be dangerous.
For pedestrians
Use crosswalks. Always cross the street at a crosswalk or intersection. If no crosswalk is available, wait for a gap in traffic that allows you to cross safely and look left, right and left again to ensure no cars are coming before crossing the street.
Make eye contact with drivers. Never assume a driver sees you. Make eye contact with drivers before stepping into the street to ensure they are aware of your presence.
Avoid distractions. Put away your phone and remove earbuds when walking. Distractions can prevent you from noticing oncoming traffic or other hazards.
Walk in groups. Walking with others can increase visibility and reduce the risk of crashes.
Be extra cautious in school zones. Be on high alert in school zones that are busy areas with lots of cars, buses and other students. Follow the directions of crossing guards.
For drivers
Slow down. Observe all speed limits, especially in school zones. Slowing down gives you more time to react to unexpected movements by children.
Make way for pedestrians. Always yield to pedestrians in crosswalks – it’s the law.
Watch for bicyclists. Look for young cyclists, especially when turning or opening car doors. Give them plenty of space and don’t pass too closely.
Be patient. School drop-off and pick-up times can be hectic. Allow extra time for your commute and remain patient, even if traffic is slower than usual.
Avoid distractions. Put your phone away and focus on the road. Distracted driving is a leading cause of crashes, particularly in areas with high pedestrian and bicycle traffic.
Kids’ safety as they travel to and from school is a shared responsibility. We must all work together to create a safe environment for walking and biking. Remember to stay vigilant and prioritize safety as the school year begins.
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