Envision 2040 a new plan for Contra Costa County
Every county and city in California is required to have a general plan that can address a broad range of topics, such as land use, open space, transportation, housing, conservation, safety, noise and environmental justice.
The county’s general plan outlines our goals for physical growth, conservation and community life in the unincorporated area. It contains the policies and actions necessary to achieve these goals. Contra Costa County adopted its current general plan in 1991, and it has been reconsolidated twice – for 1990-2005 and 2005-’20.
Contra Costa has grown considerably during the past 28 years. Conditions have evolved, and the general plan needs to evolve as well. As we look toward the future, the county must be equipped with a policy and growth framework that evolves with the times and keeps us on a path toward success and prosperity.
Enter Envision Contra Costa 2040, an effort to update the county’s general plan, zoning code and environmental review. The public has the opportunity to provide input beginning this month. Through nearly 80 community meetings during the next two years, county staff will work to integrate the demands of our environment, the concerns of our community and the urgent need to solve our housing crisis into a modern general plan that will guide the county for the next 20 years.

Our county’s Climate Action Plan is among the initiatives integrated within the Envision 2040 framework. Specifically, this will produce long-term sustainability goals and policies, with the Climate Action Plan providing strategic implementation programs to keep Contra Costa on track with California’s goals for greenhouse gas emissions reductions.
The updated plans will also respond to community concerns around sustainability, environmental justice and affordable housing, while carrying forward enduring county values like balancing growth with conservation.
As your county supervisor, I work to ensure that the diverse voices of our community are represented in the general plan. The county has launched an interactive portal for folks to stay up to date with the project and to provide a platform to share your ideas for the future. You can access this website at envisioncontracosta2040.org.
I encourage you to voice your opinion and frequent the website for updates in the coming months.
Karen Mitchoff is Contra Costa County District IV supervisor. Email questions or comments to karen.mitchoff@bos.cccounty.us