2024 Clayton City Council candidate questions: Richard Enea

CLAYTON, CA (Sept. 9, 2024) — The Pioneer newspaper presented a list of questions to the candidates running for Clayton City Council in the 2024 election. To read other candidate answers, click here.
Richard Enea—Candidate Response
The city has lost significant staff over the last five years. What is the council member’s role in stabilizing staff turnover and what steps will you take to support the new city manager?
The Council must hire a good City Manager who oversees staff. City employees need to be paid comparable wages to other cities the same size. The Council needs to support the City Manager as he runs the city according to Council directives.
The community is split over the issue of high density housing development in Clayton. Given land use mandates are handed down by the state, how should the council balance the wishes and needs of the community with the state’s enforcement measures such as withholding revenues and the threat of civil rights lawsuits?
I have been on the Planning Commission for over two years and there have been no plans submitted for high density development. In fact, we have gone over the number the state has told the city that they must provide. Clayton is 98% built out, so I don’t see high density in our future. State law must be followed or we will lose revenues.
Last year, there was a revenue shortfall, and the city used reserves to close the gap. There is considerable disagreement even among council members as to how serious and how immediate the looming deficit is. This year reserves were used to close the gap, but it’s clear the city either needs to raise more revenue or substantially cut services. What is your plan?
The City currently has a citizens’ committee looking at the budget, line by line. The City used under $200,000.00 dollars to balance the budget this current year thru June 30, 2025. There is about 7.5 million in the city reserve account. Of that amount, the state requires 40% to be unspent. That leaves the city at 3 million dollars. The City may need to increase revenue in the future, not in the next few years.
The Landscape Maintenance District sunsets in 2027 and along with it, the restricted funds for maintaining landscaping. Should the council ask the voters to renew the district or allow it to expire and pay for maintenance from the general fund?
The landscape maintenance district has been working fine and as of now, we should ask voters to renew in 2027.
Is Clayton doing enough to support diversity and inclusion in the city?? Should the city take a closer look at its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion policies with respect to supporting Pride and ensuring a more just society?
The City is doing great supporting Pride. We have the only Pride parade around. The City also has elementary and middle schools bring students to the City Council meetings to honor them for bringing pride to their school by helping other students.
Economic Growth and Development. What do you see Clayton can do to enhance and grow/develop the economy within the city?
Clayton needs to work on keeping businesses here. There are not many empty store fronts here and we need to support them. Clayton is a small city and we aren’t going to have much commercial development. We have to work with what we have.
Public Safety. What do you see as the responsibility of a council member in ensuring a safe community, and how do you see that being accomplished?
Public Safety is the top priority in any city. People pay taxes and expect to be and feel safe. Clayton has needed an additional Police Officer since I retired from the force 20 years ago. I will work hard to get that additional Officer.
The past few years have seen considerable discord among council members, city staff and residents with tempers running high. What specific initiatives do you propose to address the concerns raised by the community and ensure that all voices are heard and represented in decision-making? What role should social media like Nextdoor and Facebook play in your plans?
Council members need to respect each other and be professional with each other. When a person from public berates a council member, other council members should attempt to calm people down. There are limits to what the Brown Act allows. In my 10 years of being a Council member in another city, I always tried my best to keep meetings calm and respectful. All voices should be heard before making a decision, even if it takes an additional meeting. Being professional is the key for council members. There is a course put on by the League of California Cities that helps City Council members learn about conduct at City Council meetings. I would ask for that course to be brought here as a workshop.
What have you contributed toward “the greater good” in Clayton
I have been a Clayton Business and Community member for many years. I have worked at the Art & Wine Festival, Oktoberfest, BBQ and other events to raise money for scholarships and other non-profit organizations. I have been a past Clayton Sunrise Rotary Club member and past Police Explorer Scout Leader for several years.
What is the most important issue facing Clayton in the next four years?
For myself, the most important issue facing Clayton during the next four years is balancing the city budget and maintaining the services we have.
Visit the candidate’s campaign site.
To read other Clayton City Council candidate answers, click here.