Reaching out to our readers: Please support local journalism

All over the country, free community newspapers are shutting down – threatened into extinction by the cost of paper, printing, postage and people.

Since May 2003 here at the Pioneer, our small, stellar staff has spit in the face of danger, defied the revenue gods and month after month delivered a quality print newspaper on deadline for 393 issues that our advertisers are proud to call home.

Five weeks ago, the COVID-19 pandemic upended all that, shutting down businesses and sending us all into self-isolation. Advertising, which is our only source of revenue, dwindled to a fraction of what we need.

Off-kilter but undaunted, we keep on keepin’ on. We have not furloughed anyone, and we are working harder than ever across multiple platforms to keep you informed and to support our local businesses, whether they are advertisers or not.

We are committed to the communities we serve. We will continue to cover the coronavirus, city councils, politics, sports, schools, businesses and performing arts.
Although digital-only for now, we plan to be back in print with free delivery as soon as the smoke clears.

But to do this, we need your help. We turn to you, our readers, with an appeal for your financial support as we reposition for the future. Please go to our website to donate any amount. You be the judge.

We are still here. We plan to stay. Thank you for your support.

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